Oak house School > SECONDARY


The Oak House School Secondary curriculum is broadly based, offering a balance between the languages, sciences, technology, mathematics, social sciences, arts and the social and emotional aspects of learning. Pupils are encouraged to develop their level of independence, a good work ethic and a love of learning, all in a caring, stimulating and disciplined environment. Secondary pupils are expected to show an increasing level of social responsibility and awareness of the world community.

Critical thinking is encouraged throughout the curriculum, as well as in activities such as debating events. Pupils continue to develop their communication skills and the curriculum provides a multilingual learning experience, with a continuing focus on English. In 1st and 2nd E.S.O. (Years 8 and 9), almost half of the teaching hours are in English and the rest are taught in Spanish or Catalan. Both French and German are offered as a fourth language option, leading to official external examinations.

The compulsory elements of the Catalan curriculum are covered throughout Secondary, thus allowing our pupils to complete the official Catalan Secondary education system (E.S.O.). In addition to this qualification, 3rd and 4th E.S.O. (Year 10 and 11) pupils are also prepared for Cambridge IGCSE exams in a range of subjects:

  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Spanish First Language
  • Mathematics
  • Combined Science
  • Art/Music/Drama/P.E.


IGCSE examinations are recognised throughout the world by universities and employers as a measure of academic achievement and demonstrate pupils’ ability to study subjects in English at a native speaker level.