Testimonis Batxillerat-IB

Oak house School > Testimonis Batxillerat-IB

Testimonis Batxillerat-IB


Hedley Lawrence-Apfelbaum

Political Science and Economics, Amherst College, Massachusetts (USA)

“Hi, my name is Hedley and I studied at Oak House from 2018 to 2022 where I was an IB student. I’m currently studying at Amherst College, a liberal arts college in Massachusetts. I have two years to decide what I want to study but I’m leading towards double majoring in Political Science and Economics with a certificate in International Relations. There is definitely a lot of work at college and both Oak House and the IB have prepared me effectively for college.

Having to do IA’s and the EE were excellent preparation in multiple ways. Not only were they helpful for the research and writing I have done in my classes but they also equipped me with time-management skills. The feedback at school also taught be how to revise my work. The IB even allowed me to get ahead on my studies by skipping the introductory economics course. The CAS program allowed me to learn how the balance activities with studies, especially with the many activities I do here, some of which I did at Oak House.

Furthermore. the importance of exams in the IB has prepared me in reviewing for exams at college. I’m very grateful to Oak House and my teachers for their help and guidance over the last four years.”

Captura de Pantalla 2023-02-02 a las 9.06.11

Xavi Llorens

Ingeniería Industrial en ETSEIB (UPC)

“Me llamo Xavi y acabé Bachillerato nacional en junio de 2022 en Oak House School.
Inicialmente, fui admitido en la TU/e (Eindhoven University of Technology) en Países Bajos, pero debido a la gran demanda de plazas y la escasez de alojamiento y gracias a los consejos recibidos desde Oak House School, disponía de un plan B, del cual estoy muy contento. Estoy estudiando mi primer año de Ingeniería Industrial en ETSEIB (UPC).

A pesar de ser un grado difícil, puedo afirmar que el alto nivel académico recibido durante toda mi escolarización en el colegio, especialmente en la asignatura de matemáticas, me ha facilitado enormemente el seguimiento de las clases durante este primer cuatrimestre de universidad. Aprecio mucho las enseñanzas del trabajo constante durante los 2 años del programa de Bachillerato nacional ya que me han proporcionado la preparación necesaria para poder afrontar esta nueva etapa.”

Sara Bellmunt

Sara Bellmunt

Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis – UPC i UPF de Barcelona

“Em dic Sara, vaig acabar batxillerat l’any passat a l’Oak House. Actualment, estic estudiant el grau en Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis, en anglès, a la UPC i UPF de Barcelona.

Sempre hem sentit que l’escola i la universitat són molt diferents tant en l’àmbit de dificultat com disciplina, i això és veritat. Així i tot, gràcies a l’escola he aconseguit començar la carrera amb bon peu, ja que, durant tots aquests anys, he après a estudiar de manera eficient i he pogut desenvolupar les meves habilitats per gestionar el temps. Amb això he trobat un equilibri entre l’estudi i les activitats personals, per aprendre però també desconectar i gaudir.

Estic molt contenta i agraïda d’haver estudiar a Oak House, ja que m’ha donat l’oportunitat, amb esforç i persistència, d’entrar a la carrera que volia estudiar i, a més a més, amb una bona base per vèncer els reptes que aquest camí em pot presentar”.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-02-02 a las 9.20.59

Gianfranco Rivera

Political Science at Universiteit Van Amsterdam, Netherlands

“Hello, my name is Gianfranco and I was an International Baccalaureate student at Oak House from 2020 to 2022. I am currently studying Political Science at Universiteit Van Amsterdam in the Netherlands, contemplating the possibility in specialising in International Relations by the end of my degree.

One of the first things you hear about university in the Netherlands is that it can be quite easy to get into but not as easy to stay. With the skills I developed during my time in the IB, I have been able to manage my time properly and efficiently. This became really useful since I went on from being in a programme with over 20 contact hours per week to one where I only have half of these half and the rest was replaced by independent study. Moreover, the IB taught me to be self-reliant and to take full responsibility of my studies, a skill that is required to survive at this type of university.

I am grateful to have done the IB in Oak House since the way in which the programme is managed really offers the students that “pre-college” experience and, in my personal case, softens the blow of going into university. In fact, I feel doing the IB was a necessary step in my path in order to thrive. For this and many other reasons I am grateful to the teachers at Oak House.”

Captura de Pantalla 2023-02-02 a las 9.21.13

Lluís Gay

Maths and Physics at the University of Edinburgh

“My name is Lluís, I finished Bachillerato in Oak House School last June, and I am currently studying a joint honours degree in Maths and Physics at the University of Edinburgh. Thanks to all the support and guidance that I have received throughout my schooling, I am successfully tackling my course with an average of almost 100%, and I could not be more content and motivated.

The school has also given me the ability to master my English, which has set me up well to adapt to a new lifestyle and thrive socially. Furthermore, the high academic standard and discipline of the Bachillerato programme have taught me the necessary skills of autonomy and consistency to establish a good balance between my studies and social life.

All in all, I am extremely grateful for all the opportunities I have encountered through my journey in Oak House.”