50th Anniversary

Oak house School > 50th Anniversary

50th Anniversary - 27 abril 2019

¿Quieres participar en las actividades del Sports Event que hemos organizado para alumnos, familias y exalumnos el sábado 27 de abril?

Inscríbete desde este formulario. Una inscripción por participante.
Y… suma puntos para la Sports House Cup!

Fecha límite de inscripción: 24 de abril
¡Os esperamos!


EARLY YEARS (Nursery, Reception & Year 1)

  • NURSERY PLAYGROUND (10.00 – 14.00h.) – Juegos supervisados
  • PORCHE DE PRIMARIA (10.00 – 14.00h. – Tiros a canasta, tiros a portería
  • GIMNASIO DE PRIMARIA  (10.00 – 11.45h.) – Jazz y yoga



  • PISTA A: TORNEO DE PING PONG (10.00 – 14.00h.)  – A partir de Year 2
  • PISTA A: TORNEO DE BÁDMINTON (10.00 – 14.00h.)  – A partir de Year 2
  • PISTA B: TORNEO DE BALONCESTO 3×3 (Year 4 a 2º Bachillerato/IB2, familias, exalumnos)
    10.00 – 11.00h.YEAR 4 – YEAR 7
    11.00 – 12.00h. ESO, BACHILLERATO & IB
    12.00 – 13.00h. FAMILIAS & EXALUMNOS
    13.00 – 14.00h. FINALES


    • BODY COMBAT (10.00 – 10.45h.)
    • ZUMBA (11.00 – 11.45h.)
    • PILATES (12.00 – 13.45h
    • DANCE TRAINING (13.00 – 13.45h.)
    • JAZZ (10.00 – 10.45h.)
    • BAILE CONTEMPORÁNEO (11.00 – 11.45h.)
    • HIP-HOP (12.00 – 12.45h.)
    • FUNKY (13.00 – 13.45h.)

Sudaderas conmemorativas 50th Anniversary
Alumni Reunion 2019

Como ya sabéis, este año se cumplen 50 años de la fundación de Oak House School en 1968.

Durante estas cinco décadas, son muchos los logros conseguidos y los momentos compartidos. Hemos sido testigos de la graduación de miles de alumnos y les hemos ayudado y guiado a lo largo de sus variados caminos profesionales, hemos pasado de ocupar únicamente la Torre a levantar otros cinco edificios más, hemos organizado talleres, conferencias, viajes de estudios y culturales, concursos internacionales, acciones sociales solidarias, ‘Family days’, ceremonias de graduación, para nombrar algunos. Cada acto, celebración, evento, ha contribuido a reforzar los lazos con las familias, con los alumnos y exalumnos, cuya confianza y apoyo nos han ayudado a convertirnos en una institución educativa excepcional.

Por todo ello y con motivo de la celebración de nuestro 50 Aniversario, el colegio ha diseñado la sudadera OAK HOUSE SCHOOL 50 YEARS, que podéis reservar a través del siguiente enlace. El pago será en efectivo y la recogeréis el mismo 5 de abril durante el Alumni Event.
Y si no lo habéis hecho ya… desde este enlace podéis inscribiros al Alumni Event 2019, especial 50º aniversario.
¡Os esperamos!

Building futures

50th Anniversary
Alumni Reunion 2019

Oak House School welcomed its first pupils in September 1968 and this year we are celebrating our 50th Anniversary. In recognition  of this we are organising a variety of events throughout the year, with the aim of bringing together the people who have contributed to the growth and development of the school.  Oak House School has grown and changed considerably in many ways during the last 50 years, but the essence of the school remains the same.The same core values are as important to us now, as when Oak House first opened its doors in 1968. We still strive to provide each and every one of our students with an excellent and enjoyable education.
On Friday 5th of April we will holding a celebratory event, exclusively for Oak House alumni. The event will take place between 20.00 and 12.00. We hope that you can join us for a cocktail, and an optional tour of the school. This will be a wonderful opportunity to rekindle old friendships and share memories. 
Please share this information with as many ex-Oak House students as possible and help us to make this 50th Anniversary event a huge success.  
To help us in the organisation of the event, please confirm your attendance through the following link.

Thank you in advance for spreading the news amongst the Oak House alumni community.

Julie Harris                Beatriz Bardají
Headteacher            Alumni Association

Oak House School recibió a sus primeros alumnos en septiembre de 1968 y durante este año celebramos nuestro 50 aniversario. En reconocimiento a esto, estamos organizando una variedad de eventos a lo largo del año, con el objetivo de reunir a las personas que han contribuido al crecimiento y desarrollo del colegio. Oak House School ha crecido y cambiado considerablemente de muchas maneras durante los últimos 50 años, pero la esencia del colegio sigue siendo la misma. Los mismos valores fundamentales son tan importantes para nosotros ahora, como cuando Oak House abrió sus puertas por primera vez en 1968. aún nos esforzamos por brindar a todos y cada uno de nuestros alumnos una educación excelente y agradable.
El viernes 5 de abril tendremos un evento, exclusivo para alumnos de Oak House. El evento tendrá lugar entre las 20.00 y las 12 de la noche. Esperamos que puedas asistir al cóctel  y a un tour opcional por las instalaciones. Esta será una maravillosa oportunidad para reavivar viejas amistades y compartir recuerdos.
Nos gustaría que compartieras esta información con tantos ex alumnos de Oak House como sea posible y nos ayudes a que este evento del 50º aniversario sea un gran éxito.
Para ayudarnos en la organización del evento, por favor confirma tu asistencia desde este enlace.

Muchas gracias de antemano por ayudarnos a que esta celebración llegue a todos vuestros compañeros.

Julie Harris           Beatriz Bardají
Directora              Asociación de Antiguos Alumnos

50th Anniversary Oak House School Alumni Reunion


We will be celebrating our 50th Anniversary with all the Alumni.
Please join us!

Celebraremos el 50th Anniversary del colegio con todos nuestros ex-alumnos.
¡Estáis invitados!

50th Anniversary

Our 50th Anniversary celebrations began yesterday evening with the inauguration event, which was attended by representatives from all sectors of the Oak House community. Representatives from the current and ex-Oak House staff; current and ex-members of the Board of Governors (Patronato); current and ex-pupils; founding families and invited guests, joined us for a wonderful evening of memories and reflection.

We were privileged to welcome two extremely interesting key-note speakers. Professor Victoria Marsick, is a member of the school’s Advisory Board, and Director of Adult Learning in the Department of Organisation and Leadership at the Teachers College, Columbia University. Professor Marsick spoke about the importance of students developing the “soft skills”, the skills which  set students up for success in their careers, but also empower them to lead happier, healthier lives. Our second speaker, Ferran Latorre, is not only a remarkable mountaineer, and a talented journalist, but he also inspires and motivates others to overcome obstacles and follow their passion, through his inspiring conferences.

Representatives of the founding families of Oak House willingly participated in the preparation of a video, which, together with the slide show of old photographs, gave us a wonderful insight into the early years of Oak House School. A rendition of the school song “The Heart of Oak”, sung by an ex-pupil Carla Kissler, provided an emotional end to the formal proceedings.

During the cocktail many memories were exchanged amongst the invited guests.

Thanks are extended to everyone who attended and played their part in making the evening such a success and to everyone on the school staff, whose additional efforts in the preceding days and weeks, contributed to the success of the evening. Thanks are also extended to the members of the 50th Anniversary Working Party, who generated the ideas for the celebrations.

Particular thanks are extended to Vicenç Orobitg and Sylvia Rodríguez for their major contribution in the area of communication and preparation of the event.

Happy 50th Anniversary, to all at Oak House School , where we have been Building the Futures of young people for 50 years.

 Julie Harris

50th Anniversary media

Upcoming Events







Family Day
